BIRD SEED BLOOMERS YOU'LL NEED: One empty half-pint milk or juice carton Scissors One 2 1/2 x 12-inch piece construction paper Tape Crayons or markers Potting soil Parakeet or budgie seed Water STEP 1 First, thoroughly rinse out the carton. Next, open the unopened flap of the carton. Working from the opened end, have an adult use scissors to cut down the 2 opposite corners just to the ridge. Then, 1 side at a time, fold the top inside the carton. Now cover the outside of carton with a piece of construction paper. And fasten with tape. STEP 2 Now use crayons to draw a face on the side of your paper-covered carton any way you like. STEP 3 Fill the carton with potting soil. And add enough water to make thick mud. Sprinkle the parakeet seed on top of the soil. Now place your garden near a sunny window. Water your garden whenever it's almost dry. In a few days, your seeds will sprout. Within 2 to 3 weeks, your garden will need a haircut! Good for you! You've made a birdseed bloomer! SOME COOL IDEAS: Use birdseed because it's available at supermarkets, and it grows quickly. Try clipping your grass with scissors after it gets long. Try a funny trim to make it look interesting! Printed from Cool Crafts ©1994 Meredith Corporation and Multicom Publishing